This is a 23-people effort to put together a translation using the method of the "exquisite corpse" (!
Each person was given 14 random pieces of text to translate, with no context and no further indication on how to translate: everybody was free to handle it in any way they wanted. The text was then stitched together by one person, with no further editing of the translations, that were implemented as they were.
We did it mostly for fun: translation is a creative activity and can become a nice game to play! But this process, and its end results, also reminded us of what happened when translation projects have no coordination among translators and no contextual information or style guide to help with consistency. We used different kind of quotes, translated the character names in different ways, assigned them different genders, addressed them inconsistently, and were unable to put together sentences in any way that deviated from the source.

All the participants come from the lovely community of Italian game localizers <3

Most of them are already listed as collaborators for the submission, but as we couldn't get everybody on in time, here is the full list of people involved:

Maurizio Massari

Micol Pennese

Aurora Bronzi

Claudia Di Meo

Angelo De Martini

Vincenzo Piro

Sara Todaro

Floriana Grasso

Jacopo Nicoziani

Valentina Fabris

Paola Begali

Giorgia Prati

Damiana Ballarin

Veronica Faroldi

Micol Gesuè

Mirta Cimmino

Anna Carella

Luca Regano

Beatrice Ceruti

Alessandro Ciurleo

Chiara Di Modica

Serena Savi

Marta Gai

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